The best time to visit Tanzania

Best Time to visit Tanzania

Best Time to Visit Tanzania

Tanzania is one of the best safari destinations in the world. The Serengeti boasts the highest density of wildlife anywhere in Africa and the Selous has the largest population of wild dogs. The northern circuit can get quite busy, but the southern parks are relatively unknown so it’s possible to enjoy a more intimate safari experience. Peak season is July to October.


Visiting Tanzania in January

Wildebeest are in Southern Serengeti
Wildebeest are in Southern Serengeti

There is a chance of rain, the temperature is getting higher and the humidity is building. It’s still a good time to go as rates are lower and safari is excellent. At this time of year the migration herds are in the southeast of the Serengeti for calving season, so the Ndutu Plains are busy but it is amazing to see so many animals in one place.


Visiting Tanzania in February

Migration is still occurring in Ndutu. The weather is hot and humid with a chance of rain.

Events & Festivals

Green Season (November to March): Tanzania Green Season offers superb birdwatching opportunities, with migratory birds arriving in their thousands


Visiting Tanzania in March

Migrating herds are starting to leave Ndutu, heading west towards Grumeti. This is a truly low season, before the heavy rains but with humidity building. Great rates can be taken advantage of at this time of year.


Visiting Tanzania in April – May

Wildebeest moving to Central Serengeti
Wildebeest are slowly moving to Central Serengeti

This is a period of heavy rain, so we would advise against traveling at this time. See the tour in Arpil to May

Visiting Tanzania in June

Wildebeest are in Central Serengeti
Wildebeest are in Central Serengeti

This is the green season, bringing lush grasses and bush that can make spotting game more difficult. However, this is still a wonderful time to travel – particularly for bird watchers as parks are full of migratory birds; especially in the south. Migration should be in the Grumeti area of the Serengeti heading north. See the Tour in June


Visiting Tanzania in July

Wildebeest atempting to cross Mara River
Wildebeest atempting to cross Mara River

This is also best time to visit Tanzania, this is the start of the peak season. The Migration is in the north of the Serengeti moving towards Kenya, an elephant starts to gather in Tarangire. The land is getting drier and spotting game is becoming easier. Temperatures are in the high 20°Cs to early 30°Cs and the humidity are low.

Events & Festivals

The Great Migration river crossings (July to September): This is your best chance to observe herds of animals in their hundreds as they cross Tanzania’s rivers on their epic migration across the continent. See the Crossing Migration >>>


Visiting Tanzania in August

Wildebeest Crossing time
Wildebeest Crossing Mara River in Northern Serengeti

Peak season. Migration is still in the north. As the land becomes more parched, the animals’ behavior becomes more predictable. The dense bush in Ruaha is drying out so game spotting here becomes much easier.

Events & Festivals

The Great Migration river crossings (July to September): This is your best chance to observe herds of animals in their hundreds as they cross Tanzania’s rivers on their epic migration across the continent. See the Wildebeest Crossing >>>


Visiting Tanzania in September

Best September to visit Tanzania
Best time in Tarangire National Park and lake Manyara National Park

Peak season. The end of the migration is still in the north, with herds on both sides of the Kenya and Tanzania borders and high numbers of elephant in Tarangire. The northern circuit can be very busy, but it is less busy in the south, so for those who want to avoid crowds, it’s best to visit the southern parks.

Events & Festivals

The Great Migration river crossings (July to September): This is your best chance to observe herds of animals in their hundreds as they cross Tanzania’s rivers on their epic migration across the continent. See the Great Migration »


Visiting Tanzania in October

Best time in Serengeti National Park

Peak season. The migration is now in Kenya, but the game viewing in central Serengeti is still very good. Southern parks are particularly rewarding at this time of year.


Visiting Tanzania in November

Migration Continue
Migration Continue

Short rains. This is a great time to take advantage of low season rates and is still a popular time to travel. The rains tend to be overnight, but there is a risk of rain during the day as well. Migrating herds are starting to travel south from Kenya, so crossings can be seen in the north of the Serengeti.

Events & Festivals

Green Season (November to March): Tanzania Green Season offers superb birdwatching opportunities, with migratory birds arriving in their thousands. View the Tour 


Visiting Tanzania in December

Wildebeest are in Calving Season at Southern Serengeti (Ndutu Area)

There is a chance of rain, but this is generally overnight. Temperatures and humidity start to build. Safari is good, with migrating herds in the north traveling south to Ndutu. The festive season can be very busy and needs to be planned well in advance to ensure availability.

Events & Festivals

Green Season (November to March): Tanzania Green Season offers superb birdwatching opportunities, with migratory birds arriving in their thousands. Our highlights of Tanzania »

Best Time to Visit Tanzania

Here are best tour I can recommend you to do at season of the year and you will enjoy,